Welcome to Tian Qin’s Homepage~

Hi, I am a second-year master student at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), advised by Prof. Fengxiang He. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Probability and Statistics from USTC in 2022. Here is my curriculum vitae.

Research Interest

I have an interest in statistics, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and game theory. Most recently, I focus on the theoretical study of equivariance, a specific way to incorporate inductive bias in deep learning. Feel free to contact me for anything.


  • Benefits of Permutation-Equivariance in Auction Mechanisms
    In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022
    Tian Qin, Fengxiang He, Dingfeng Shi, Wenbing Huang, Dacheng Tao
    TL;DR: Permutation-equivariance decreases the ex-post regret and improves the generalization while maintaining the revenue.
    [BibTex] [PDF] [Poster]